Home » Sculpting & Molding Materials » Sili-Glass: Liquid Silicone Molding Material Sili-Glass: Liquid Silicone Molding Material
Sili-Glass is a pour-able, addition-curing, two-component, high-strength, silicone mould making compound that cures at room temperature. It is Crystal-clear when cured (or variable depending on consumer specifications). Sili-Glass has high tear strength and excellent resistance to moulding resins to ensure the long service life of the moulds. Typical Properties Mixing Ratio | 10:1 | Mixing Time | Variable up to 2 hours | Pot Life | Processing Temp °F | Processing Time | 5 | > 2 days | 41 | 4 hours | 59 | 3 hours | 73.4 | 2 hours | 86 | 40 minutes | Curing | Curing Temperature °F | Curing Times (hours) | 73.4 | 15 | 95 | 6 | 140 | 2 | 158 | 30 | 212 | 5 | 302 | 5 | | % Strain in compression | 2.2 | % Linear shrinkage after 24 hours | 0.1 | % Compression set | 0.7 | % Elongation @ break | not determined | % Recovery from Deformation | 99.3 | Hardness Shore A after 24 hours | Variable: Depending on Customer Specs. | Product Use Information The catalyst component contains an active metal complex. Use equal parts of Base and Catalyst by weight or volume at room temperature and Relative Humidity. Higher temperatures shorten work and cure times, while lower temperatures prolong work and cure times. **IMPORTANT* Only the Base and Catalyst with the same lot and product number should be kneaded together until the color is homogeneous. Storage and Shelf-Life Should not be used after the expiration date. Store between 41?F and 86?F and away from sunlight. Safety and Handling: For specific information regarding safe handling of this material, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet. Keep away from children. This material should be used for impression purposes only. Federal law prohibits the use of this material for purposes other than intended. Caution: - Store between 41°F and 86°F
- Wash your hands before handling this material.
- Do not wear latex gloves when handling this material.
- Do not use hand lotion before mixing this product.
- Keep this material out of children.
- Do not swallow or take internally.
Northeast Resins & Silicones, LLC assumes no liability for intentional or unintentional misuse of this product.