Home » Sculpting & Molding Materials » Sili-Cast: Liquid Silicone Casting Material Sili-Cast: Liquid Silicone Casting Material
Northeast Resins & Silicones Sili-Cast is a new pour-able duplicating material based on addition curing silicones with extreme precision. Owing to the material’s low shore hardness, its high elasticity and high tear strength, pouring and removal of casts is easy. Moulds made of Northeast Resins & Silicones Casting Material can be stored and poured even after months and can be used several times. Advantages - Records finest details
- 1:1 Mixing ratio
- Extreme precision
- Does not stick to metal
- High tear resistance
- Releasable by compressed air
- High elasticity
- 4 minutes working time
- Models can be stored dry
Typical Properties Mixing Ratio | 1:1 | Mixing time (min.) | 0:30 | Working time (incl. mixing time) [min] | 4:00 | Setting time 23 ºC (min.) | 30:00 | % Strain in Compression | ˜ 16 | % Compression set | =0.25 | Detailed reproduction [µm] | =20 | Hardness Shore A (1 h) | Variable Depending on Customer Specs. | The times and properties are valid at room temperature and Relative Humidity. Cure Times and Working Times can be varied depending on Customer Specs. Product Use Information The master mould is put into a usual duplicating mould. The model should not be wetted with water. Shake both bottles of Northeast Resins & Silicones Casting Material well before use and mix in a 1:1 ratio (either by weight or volume) until a homogeneous color is achieved (at least 30 seconds). Depending on the size of the model 100 to 200 g mixed material will be needed. Please pour the casting material in a continuous thin stream onto the dry model. The mixed material has a working time of 4 minutes. After 30 minutes casting material has set completely and the model can be removed. The mould can be poured several times with usual model cements or Plaster of Paris. **IMPORTANT** Only the Base and Catalyst with the same lot and product number should be kneaded together until the color is homogeneous. Storage and Shelf-Life This material should not be used after the expiration date. Store at = 78 ºF and away from sunlight. Safety and Handling For specific information regarding safe handling of this material, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet. Keep away from children. This material should be used for impression purposes only. Federal law prohibits the use of this material for purposes other than intended. Packaging 2 bottles (catalyst and base) @ 1 liter each Caution - Store at room temperature, 65O - 75O F (18O - 24O C).
- Wash your hands before handling this material.
- Do not wear latex gloves when handling this material.
- Do not use hand lotion before mixing this product.
- Keep this material out of children.
- Do not swallow or take internally.
Northeast Resins & Silicones, LLC assumes no liability for intentional or unintentional misuse of this product.